This Week at CrossFit EDA 28.08.23

Welcome to a new week of training here at CrossFit EDA Glasgow. 

Happy Monday Everyday Athletes and welcome to a new week of training 🙌

This week is going to be a belter, we’ve got one rep max testing and not one, not two, but three benchmark workouts! 

This week is our final week of Oly lifts so let’s give it our all 🙌🙌

Next week we will be embarking on a new program and whilst we don’t want to give too much away, we will let you know in advance that Coach Valbo is very excited about this one 💪

With all that said let’s jump into this week's training shall we? 

Monday - 

With it being the last week of the cycle we are going to be going after some one rep maxes! 

And we are starting the week strong with one of our favourites, Snatch 🙌

We’ve got our first named workout of the week, “Randy” 75 snatches for time. Caffeinate, fuel up, and get ready to give it your all! 

Tuesday - 

Following a rather heavy Monday let’s take a break for pure fitness. 

Today's WOD features double unders, sit-ups, front squats, even more sit-ups, and for good measure a couple more double unders. 

We’ll be hitting five sets of this challenging workout. But we know you will smash it 🙌

Wednesday - 

Wednesdays can be tough, you’re halfway through the week. You’re a little tired, not quite through the work week, the weekend isn’t quite in sight yet. 

But we have the perfect cure… Another benchmark workout 💪

Everyday Athletes, meet “Helen”. We’ve got three rounds for time, starting hard with a 400m run, straight into 21 kettlebell swings, and 12 ring rows. 

Because we want to help you make it through hump day, you’ll be pairing up to hit a partner finisher. 🙌

Thursday - 

We’re in the penultimate week of our gymnastics cycle and today we will be practicing either handstand holds, or handstand walks.

It’s our athlete's choice. 

We’ll follow this up with a challenging EMOM, what would a week at CrossFit EDA look like without one? 

We’ve got bike cals, shoot thrus, box stepovers and handstand holds. 

It’s 20 minutes of your day, so give it your all 🙌

Friday - 

It’s clean and jerk day! 

You’ve got 22 minutes to hit a new one rep max, get to it 🙌

And because this week is one heck of a week, we are hitting our third benchmark workout! 

It’s time for “Grace”. You’ve got 30 clean and jerks to get through and this is a for-time workout 👌

Coach Martin set a new gym record for this one, if you want to know his time we’re sure he’d be happy to tell you! 

Saturday - 

Let’s start our weekend strong with a sweaty AMRAP 🙌

We’ve got sixteen minutes on the clock, and we’ve got 500ms on the rower. But that’s not all. 

We’ve got back rack lunges and we’ve got burpees. 

And as always, we’ve got a partner option. See you on the floor!

Sunday - 

We’ve got an open gym so if you’ve missed a class or want to get some extra fitness and a great cup of coffee pop down and join us 🙌 

We’ve got Muay Thai running every night this week for all aspiring fighters, or fitness fanatics alike. 

Come and train with your pals and learn a new skill. Honestly this week, we’ve got something for everyone so make sure to book your classes or pop in to find out more. 

If you haven’t signed up yet, you can find out more about our memberships here. Or treat yourself to a drop-in and come along and try a class. 


Discover Muay Thai: A Beginner's Journey at Everyday Athlete Gym


This Week at CrossFit EDA 21.08.23