This Week at CrossFit EDA 21.08.23

Welcome to a new week of training here at CrossFit EDA Glasgow. 

Happy Monday Everyday Athletes and welcome to the start of a new week of training 🙌

This week we are starting strong with some gymnastics prep, before moving into a bit of a deload week. 

Don’t be lured into a false sense of security we’ve also got some spicy workouts coming your way! 

We will be hitting it hard out the gate with a named workout on Tuesday, we’ve got Oly lifts and we’ve got some pretty fun WODs planned 🙌 

So let’s get into it! 

Monday - 

Let’s start the week with some gymnastics! 

We’re hopping on the rings today, with strict ring dips and some box dips. 

Following our practice let’s incorporate that movement into our workout of the day! Today's AMRAP features a nice lil 150m run, some front rack dumbbell lunges, and ring dips! 

It’s gonna be sweaty, but this is one hell of a way to shake up a Monday! 

Tuesday - 

So we all know, the worst day of the week is a Tuesday. You’ve got all weekend to prepare for Monday, nothing prepares you for Tuesday.  

That’s why we are giving you a reason to get out of bed and seize the day, with the first session of our Oly Cycle. 

We’ve got hang power cleans, and squat cleans. We will be starting light and working up to moderate as this is our deload week! 

We’ll then move on to our first named workout of the week! 

“SUPERSONIC” will see our everyday athletes take on 20 rounds, yup you read that right, 20 rounds of power cleans, box jump-overs, and chest-to-bar pull-ups. 

What a workout 🙌

Wednesday -

The only jerks we like in our gym are push jerks, and split jerks 💪

We’ve got day two of the Oly Cycle and we will be pairing this movement with an EMOM. 

We’ve got wall walk, push press, and max wall balls, and we are going to work until we finish 150 wall balls. You’ve got this! 

Thursday - 

It feels like the perfect night for some pure fitness! 

Also great for breakfast and lunch 🙌

We’ve got four sets of 50 double unders, 50 cal row, and you know what let’s throw in some more double unders for good measure. 

If you’re looking for a cardio tastic sesh, you won’t want to miss this one! 

Friday - 

It’s a good day to lift weights! 

So let’s get into hang power snatch and some squat snatches, again remember it’s deload week so let’s keep it a little bit lighter. 

Following our lift practice, we are gonna hit a challenging 15-minute AMRAP. 

We’ve got bike cals, and we’ve got hang squat snatch. Bring a towel it’s gonna be sweaty 🙌

Saturday - 

It’s partner workout day 💪

And what a workout we have planned. This session is a little longer and we are rocking a 28-minute AMRAP. 

We’ve got push-ups, we’ve got step-ups, we’ve got burpees, we’ve got toes to bar, and we’ve got box jumps. 

If you’ve been talking up EDA to your pals, this is the perfect session to bring them along. We won’t be throwing barbells about, but we will be throwing down! 

Sunday - 

We’ve got an open gym so if you’ve missed a class or want to get some extra fitness and a great cup of coffee pop down and join us 🙌 

We’ve got Muay Thai running every night this week for all aspiring fighters, or fitness fanatics alike. 

Come and train with your pals and learn a new skill. Honestly this week, we’ve got something for everyone so make sure to book your classes or pop in to find out more. 

If you haven’t signed up yet, you can find out more about our memberships here. Or treat yourself to a drop-in and come along and try a class. 


This Week at CrossFit EDA 28.08.23


CrossFit Workouts Demystified: A Breakdown of Common Exercises