This Week at CrossFit EDA 11.09.23

Welcome to a new week of training here at CrossFit EDA Glasgow. 

Happy Monday everyday athletes and welcome to a brand new week of training 🙌

This week we are continuing our prep month ahead of our final big cycle of the year.

We’ve got tonnes of your favorites planned like 

For those who love our weekly newsletter, we’ve finished up our Building Muscle series, and are now focusing on healthy habits that can help you stay on track with the holidays around the corner.

By working on building healthy habits early in the Autumn, you can make sure that this holiday season is different and that you can still move the needle in the right direction as we head into the end of the year. 

Over the next few weeks, we’ll focus on tried-and-true methods to help you build lasting habits and finish the year strong. 

Now let’s just into this week's programming shall we? 

Monday - 

Let’s start the week strong with our favourites, and yes we do believe you secretly love thrusters 🙌

We will then hit our first named workout of the week, “Kalsu”. 

Now this is a for-time workout, featuring 100 (yup, that’s the correct number” of thrusters. At the top of each minute, you’ll complete a few burpees. 

We know this is one hell of a session for a Monday, but we also know that you can do this. 💪

Tuesday - 

Let’s follow up that monster wod, with some skill work. 

We’ve got Kip swings, pull-ups, and chest-to-bar pull-ups. 

Following our skill work we’re going to hit three rounds of a lovely cardio session featuring a 600m run, 20 step-overs, and max sit-ups! 

Wednesday - 

We’ll ease into today's session with a nice extended warm-up, We’ve got library deadlifts, a push-up variation of your choice, and some nice easy bike cals. 

Our workout of the day was a challenging one, our coaches enjoyed this one (once it was finished) 🙌

We’ve got 50 bike cals, into 10 rounds of 5 push-ups, and 5 deadlifts before hopping back on the bike for another set of cals! 

Caffeinate, and fuel up, you’re going to need it! 

Thursday - 

We’ve got a 25-minute AMRAP today. 

Featuring favourites like DB suitcase carries, single arm rows, up-downs, curls, Dante rows, and even more! 

Be sure to listen to the coaches walk through on this one we’ve got a lot of movements to get through 🙌

Friday - 

We’ve got Coach Valbo's favourite, Bench. 

Three sets of eight reps, working up to a nice moderate weight. If you’ve got it in the tank, let’s try and go a little heavier than last week. 

We’ve got a jam-packed 15-minute EMOM and you’re gonna love it! 

Saturday - 

We’ve got a nice little warm-up using all we learned last month, with hang power cleans, hang squat cleans, and a squat clean. 

We will be hitting our second named workout of the week 🙌

It might be Superman’s weakness but we know our everyday athletes will smash “Kryptonite”. 

You’ve got 24 minutes to hit 150 double users, 30 toes to bar, 20 hang power cleans, 100 double unders, 20 toes to bar, 25 toes to bar, 15 hang power cleans, 75 double unders, 20 toes to bar, 10 power cleans, 50 double unders, 15 toes to bar and to top it all off we’ve got max squat cleans! 

Sunday - 

We’ve got an open gym so if you’ve missed a class or want to get some extra fitness and a great cup of coffee pop down and join us 🙌 

We’ve got Muay Thai running every night this week for all aspiring fighters, or fitness fanatics alike. 

Come and train with your pals and learn a new skill. Honestly this week, we’ve got something for everyone so make sure to book your classes or pop in to find out more. 

If you haven’t signed up yet, you can find out more about our memberships here. Or treat yourself to a drop-in and come along and try a class. 


5 Essential Strength Training Exercises for Beginners


This Week at CrossFit EDA 04.09.23