This Week at CrossFit EDA 04.09.23

Welcome to a new week of training here at CrossFit EDA Glasgow. 

Happy Monday Everyday Athletes! And welcome to a brand new week of training!

It's with heavy hearts (and some incredible gains) that we say goodbye to the now-completed Olympic Lifting Cycle. You smashed it, gym records were beaten, PBs hit across the board, and we couldn't be more proud of our members.

This month we will be rocking a prep phase.

Preparing for our final cycle of 2023, starting in October. Expect to see some familiar favourites with a focus on movements like Overhead Squats and Bench. We will also be pulling more weight from the ground, checking in with our deadlifts, sumo lifts, and a few other surprises.

We will be hitting several benchmark workouts throughout the month, so don't think September will be plain sailing! We've got a packed week ahead and we can't wait to tell you all about it!

Monday -
We are starting the week with Coach Valbo's favorite movement in all the world, bench.

We will be building up to a moderate weight, working 3 sets of 10 before moving into a challenging AMRAP.

We've got bike cals, we've got sit-ups, and we've got push-ups. It's gonna be beautiful.

Tuesday -
Welcome to our first benchmark of the week. Everyday Athletes, meet Amanda. This fast and furious for time workout features muscle-ups, and squat snatches.

But you didn't think that would be all, did you?

Before we get started, we will be working on a nice little 8-minute EMOM of hang squat snatch and an athlete's choice of either pull-ups, chest-to-bars, or jumping ring muscle-ups.

It's going to be a fantastic Tuesday!

Wednesday -
We've got some skill work to get us started, working single unders and throwing it back to our athletes to decide whether they want to practice double unders, triple unders, or crossbody single unders.

Following our skill work we will be hitting not one, but two metcons. Rocking 10 minutes on the timer for single unders, calorie rows, and burpees. Whatever time you've got left on the clock is rest time.

Workout two is for time, we've got four rounds of the same movements. And you are going to smash it!

Friday -
Come the first official day of the weekend, we've got our second benchmark workout!

Is there a better way to finish the work week? We think not.

Everyday Athlete's meet Elizabeth. It's a lovely 21-15-9 of cleans and ring dips, you're score for this one is your time, and it's gonna be quick.

Don't forget to log your score!

Saturday -
We know you like the finer things, that's why this Saturday is all about the quality!

You've got three sets starting with 1:30's cardio of your choice, 30 kettlebell deadlifts, 20 up-downs, 1:30's cardio of your choice, 30 Russian twists, and 20 kettlebell swings.

Your focus today will be on form, so let's get to it!!

Sunday - 

We’ve got an open gym so if you’ve missed a class or want to get some extra fitness and a great cup of coffee pop down and join us 🙌 

We’ve got Muay Thai running every night this week for all aspiring fighters, or fitness fanatics alike. 

Come and train with your pals and learn a new skill. Honestly this week, we’ve got something for everyone so make sure to book your classes or pop in to find out more. 

If you haven’t signed up yet, you can find out more about our memberships here. Or treat yourself to a drop-in and come along and try a class. 


This Week at CrossFit EDA 11.09.23


Discover Muay Thai: A Beginner's Journey at Everyday Athlete Gym