This Week at EDA - 15.05.23

Happy Monday athletes and welcome to a new week of training! 

This week see's the relaunch of our three sessions for £3 offer, you can find out more about it here!

We will also be continuing on with the Wendler programme, and honestly, it's one of our favourites. We thought we would give you a bit more information on why -

The Wendler Programme

The Wendler Strength Program, developed by powerlifter and strength coach Jim Wendler, is a fantastic training system that's all about getting stronger and building muscle.

It's centered around four key lifts: squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and overhead presses. The program uses a method called progressive overload, where you gradually increase the weights you lift. It works in four-week cycles, with each cycle ramping up the intensity. We have incorporated a couple of testing weeks in this cycle so you can better track your improvements you're welcome!

With the Wendler program, you focus on steady progress, proper form, and steady gains, making it a popular choice for folks who want to boost their strength and excel in powerlifting and other strength-based sports.

With the why covered off, let's jump into this week's training!

Monday -
Tonight we are hitting squats, if there is a better way to start your week than leg day, we are all ears!

So tonight we will be working on three 3 sets of 5 reps, starting at 65% of your one rep max you tested for last week. If that feels like too much maths, ask a coach. They can help you figure it out.

We will then move on to a challenging AMRAP of hang squat cleans and up-downs over the bar, the score is your total reps!

Tuesday -
Remember our CrossFit gymnastic programme, yeah, it's not finished yet and all the better for our bodies!

We will be taking our time working through our warm-up, as we prepare for not one, but two workouts. Again, you are welcome! Our strength workout will focus on seated shoulder press, and then hollow holds for our core!

Workout two sees our athletes tackle a challenging Metcon of wall walks, DB snatches, box jumps, and finally, strict handstand push-ups. This session is not to be missed!

Okay... so you know Murph is just around the corner and we've been adding the option of extra fitness to a tonne of our classes. We've been glad to see so many of you take us up on the offer!

This session will help you prepare with a mile run to start straight into 8 rounds of lunges, sit-ups, and slam balls, before finishing up with max bike cals or row.

Back to Wendler and we are hitting push press. Again we will be working on three sets of five reps, working off a few different percentages, again your Coaches can help you with the maths, we are here to build big muscles not flex our high school maths skills!

Following that, we will be working a 12-minute EMOM of burpees and shoulder-to-overheads! We will be adding reps as we go, but again don't worry your coaches will keep you right!

Friday -
IT"S DEADLIFT DAY ATHLETES (sorry for yelling, it's just our favourite...)

We will continue to rock our three sets of five, and we know you will smash it!

After you lift some heavy stuff, and put it back down again we will hit the main conditioning portion of the day. We will be rocking five, three-minute AMRAPs. These will feature some touch-and-go deadlifts, hanging knee raises, and single unders. Your score for this one is total rounds + any leftover reps!

Saturday -

Not only, is it our partner workout day, but it's also a named workout!

We are hitting "On a Mother-Level" a punishing mix of-

1000/800m Row
60 wall balls
40 wall ball steps ups
20 ring muscle ups
40 wall ball step ups
60 wall balls
1000/800m row

Oh, and yeah, that's just workout one! This is our epic workout of the week so bring your bestie, caffeinate, and crush it!

Sunday -
It's an open gym day so you can come in and catch up on sessions you may have missed, do some mobility, or hit some of your favourites.

As always, our incredible Thai team will be hosting Muay Thai classes throughout the week. Unlike our CrossFit Class and other EDA classes, you don't need any previous gym experience to join. You can simply turn up, chuck on a pair of gloves and experience one hell of a workout.

These classes run every night of the week so we hope to see you there!

This week's training is looking pretty exceptional, so we can't wait to see how you tackle it.


This Week at EDA - 22.05.23


This Week at EDA - 08.05.23